Sun ‘n Fun To Feature More LSAs, New Splash-In Site, Thunderbirds

While it’s still deep winter in much of the country, this year’s edition of Sun ‘n Fun is right around the corner, with spring not far behind. This week, the FAA published the NOTAM with instructions for those who plan to fly in to Lakeland, Fla., for the show, which runs April 8 to 13. The amphibian “Splash-In,” scheduled for April 10 and 11, is moving to a new site this year, at the lake adjoining Kermit Weeks’ Fantasy of Flight museum in Polk City. Also new this year, the Light Sport Aircraft folks are excited about their expanded display area right inside the entrance gate. “We’ll have room for about 20 airplanes,” Dan Johnson, chairman of the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association, told AVweb this week. The site will have a welcome area, shade tents, engine displays, and lots of comfortable space for buyers and sellers to meet and interact, he said. This year’s show will also feature the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds.

While it's still deep winter in much of the country, this year's edition of Sun 'n Fun is right around the corner, with spring not far behind. This week, the FAA published the NOTAM with instructions for those who plan to fly in to Lakeland, Fla., for the show, which runs April 8 to 13. The amphibian "Splash-In," scheduled for April 10 and 11, is moving to a new site this year, at the lake adjoining Kermit Weeks' Fantasy of Flight museum in Polk City. Also new this year, the Light Sport Aircraft folks are excited about their expanded display area right inside the entrance gate. "We'll have room for about 20 airplanes," Dan Johnson, chairman of the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association, told AVweb this week. The site will have a welcome area, shade tents, engine displays, and lots of comfortable space for buyers and sellers to meet and interact, he said. This year's show will also feature the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds.

And of course the AVweb team will be there to bring you fresh news, pictures and video from the site.