Survey: ‘IFR’ Magazine Wants to Hear Your Thoughts on Lockheed Martin FSS
Do you use Lockheed Flight Service? Did you used to but you don’t any more? We’re planning to sit down for a chat with Lockheed and want to hear your thoughts before we do. Please take a moment to complete this short survey so your voice can be heard. Hey, you’re paying for the service whether you use it or not…. Click here to take the survey.
Do you use Lockheed Flight Service? Did you used to but you don't any more? We're planning to sit down for a chat with Lockheed and want to hear your thoughts before we do. Please take a moment to complete this short survey so your voice can be heard. Hey, you're paying for the service whether you use it or not....
The results will appear in a future issue of Aviation Consumer. For subscription information, click here.

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