Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” Quality vs. quantity – despite the politically-correct preference for “quality,” it’s a dilemma that’s vexed philosophers, manufacturers, and content providers for centuries. Fortunately, it’s one of those academic questions we don’t have to worry about around “Picture of the Week” headquarters, because our submission box is full to overflowing with amazing photos sent in by people just like you – faithful readers of AVweb who had their cameras handy at just the right moment. Case in point: Charlie Owen of Havana, Kansas, who tells us this photo was taken at Hatcher Pass, “outside of the Independence Gold Mine State Park” (in Alaska). (And yes, it does look a bit close for comfort … .)

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings.  The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week."  Want to see your photo on AVweb.com?  Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Quality vs. quantity - despite the politically-correct preference for "quality," it's a dilemma that's vexed philosophers, manufacturers, and content providers for centuries.  Fortunately, it's one of those academic questions we don't have to worry about around "Picture of the Week" headquarters, because our submission box is full to overflowing with amazing photos sent in by people just like you - faithful readers of AVweb who had their cameras handy at just the right moment.

Just a few examples of what we're talking about:

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

This Is Cutting It Close

Charlie Owen of Havana, Kansas tells us this photo was taken at Hatcher Pass, "outside of the Independence Gold Mine State Park" (in Alaska).  And yes, it does look a bit close for comfort ... .

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen

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Used with permission of Charles P. Owen


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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

A Smile You Can Take into the Bank

Just in case that first photo didn't get your adrenaline pumping,Timothy O'Connor of Batavia, Ohio serves up this tummy-rolling image of gyroplane pilot Scott Biser zipping over the crowd at the "Anything Goes Fly-In."

(That sounds like fun just from the name alone.)


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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor

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Used with permission of Timothy O'Connor


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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

Forgotten Warrior

AVweb reader and New Zealander Peter Francis McCombe checks in with us from his new(-ish) job flying around Papua New Guinea with an incredible travelogue of wrecks he's seen in the lush growth of the islands.  "This is a shot of a B-24 that has been abandoned near a town called Popondetta," he writes.  "The old WWII strip is called Dobuduru and has many wrecks around it - B-25s, B-24s, B-17s, P-38s, P-39s, P-47s in various states."

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe

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Used with permission of
Peter Francis McCombe


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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

Autumn from 300 Feet Up

Go ahead and gawk.  Better yet, show this photo from Cincinnati, Ohio's Scott Biser to your friends and see if they can guess what it is.  Yep - it's that lovely fall foilage, as seen from Scott's gyrocopter.

(Presumably the very same one photographed by Timothy O'Connor above!  Nice work stacking the deck, guys - and well worth it, considering both photos wound up, anonymously, in our Top Five.)

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser

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Used with permission of Scott Biser


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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

Missed Approach into Ithaca

Marie Pollack of Ithaca, New York didn't have to make a second pass to get home - but she did catch this U.S. Air flight on final approach to Tompkins County Regional Airport (KITH) and shares it with us here.

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall

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Used with permission of Jeff Randall


More new photos are waiting for you on AVweb's home page, in our "POTW" slideshow.  Don't miss 'em!

Look all you want, but don't forget tosend us your photos, too!  (Where do you think we get all these cool pictures?)


A quick note for submitters:  If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week!  That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too.  ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules ororsend us an e-mail.