Airshow Harrier For Sale


The world’s only civilian Sea Harriers are up for sale as the current owner, Nalls Aviation, pursues other opportunities. Owner Art Nalls bought a single-seat carrier-borne version of the VTOL fighter from the British Royal Navy and has flown it in airshows since 2007. According to, bookings have declined in recent years, prompting the sale of the airshow aircraft, plus a two-seat training aircraft acquired in 2014 and a spares aircraft. Nalls is looking for a buyer to take over the aircraft as a going concern and will work with the new owner to allow continuation of the airshow performances.

The Sea Harrier is a crowd-pleaser at shows with its loud hovering and precision aerobatics. Nalls shared the flying duties with Major General Joe Anderson in a fast-paced and varied show. Nalls’ company is expanding government contracts using a BD-5J microjet and he also owns an L-39 Albatros. The sale was announced at the National Warbird Operator Conference held in Mobile, Alabama, over the weekend. AVweb put a camera in the cockpit of the Harrier at AirVenture and the resulting video is above the story.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. I wonder what FAA certificate would be required for a civilian to legally fly the Harrier in the US, since it can hover and land vertically?