Diamond Launches High-Performance Singles
Diamond Aircraft launched three new diesel-powered singles at Aero Friedrichshafen but it wont be supplying the engines itself. Flight International reported the Austrian company will produce the four-place DA50-IV, five-place DA50-V and seven-place DA50-VII with 230-, 260- and 360-horsepower Safran/SMA diesels.

Diamond Aircraft launched three new diesel-powered singles at Aero Friedrichshafen but it won't be supplying the engines itself. Flight International reported the Austrian company will produce the four-place DA50-IV, five-place DA50-V and seven-place DA50-VII with 230-, 260- and 360-horsepower Safran/SMA diesels. The -VII will also be available with a 375-horsepower Lycoming gas engine or a Ukranian Ivchenko Progress/Motor Sich AI-450S turboprop. The -V version flew in March and is on display at Aero.
Diamond owner Christian Dries told Flight International the -V will be certified by 2018. The new models come four months after Dries sold a 60 percent stake in Diamond Canada to Wanfeng Aviation. That deal transferred the type certificates to its DA40 singles and DA62 twin diesel to the Chinese-controlled company in London, Ontario.