Oshkosh 1998 Image Gallery: Day Seven – Monday, August 3

Our final day of photos from Oshkosh ’98.

Avweb's OSH '98 Photo Gallery


Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven

Day Seven - August 3, 1998

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Today's Airshow

The "model" Air Force. And this is where I'm putting the pool table. What do you mean, "How does it start"?!! Step right up!
Sell! Sell! Sell! Mustang Jr. Painted with Packer pride. EAA hangar 3.
See Dick fly. Man, I hope I don't get my head in this one. Best seats in the house. Pull up some shade.
I don't know about you dad, but I'm pooped. Matched set. I knew we needed tent stakes! Can I get one with guns?
The next Chuck Yeager. Rough trip? Control freak.
Cuisinart. See, you can e-mail while you fly. Holiday gator. Hold at Ripon, Hold at Fisk, Hold Hold HOLD!!!
The business end. No, the lake is to the west. They fold for easy storage. AVweb: We are here!
History reminds us. What a beaut! Is that a missle on your pod or are you happy to see me? "Red" Rocket.
Open wide. They discourage tailgaters. "Super" model RC. Ok, who'd I hit now.
Take me home? I don't know, do you think we can outrun it? Eeeelectric. Close as a blade or your money back.
Contact!! Grace and beauty. Almost too fast to photo. Glory glory.
Got Milk? Prop comic. Is it over yet? It's not over until the fat lady wings.