The Weekender: Oktoberfest Outings
The Weekender will kick off October with some scenic fly-in destinations on On Saturday in Greenville, Illinois, see a special appearance by a TBM Avenger at the 50th anniversary of the Greenville Airport Fly-In/Cruise-In. Also on display will be a Stearman and Waco biplanes, T-34s, a T-6, vintage cars and more. Rain date is Sunday.

The Weekender will kick off October with some scenic fly-in destinations on OnSaturday in Greenville, Illinois, see a special appearance by a TBM Avenger at the 50th anniversary of the Greenville Airport Fly-In/Cruise-In. Also on display will be a Stearman and Waco biplanes, T-34s, a T-6, vintage cars and more. Rain date is Sunday.
Also Saturday in Prospect, Oregon, pilots are invited to take part in spot landing and flour drop contests, a poker run and a variety of family-friendly games on the ground during the Prospect Fly-In and drive-in.
The first of what will be an annual Oktoberfest Fly-In/Drive-In at Ogden, Utah's airport kicks off Saturday with pilot-made pancakes, followed by kids' photos in an airplane cockpit, a paper airplane flying contest and other activities.
Theninth annual Southwest Ohio Regional Fly In, hosted by EAA Chapter 174, takes place Sunday at the scenic grass strip of Winemiller Farms, just a few miles from Clermont County Airport. Arrive Saturday and join fellow pilots for camping on field.