The Weekender: Time To Brush Up On Flight Safety

The Weekender is hangar flying for a few days as the SocialFlight calendar is full of events to help brush up on flight safety — especially for those in the midst of winter weather. Learn about the hazards of icing in a Redbird simulator in Burlington, North Carolina, on Saturday.

The Weekender is hangar flying for a few days as the SocialFlight calendar is full of events to help brush up on flight safety -- especially for those in the midst of winter weather. Learn about the hazards of icing in a Redbird simulator in Burlington, North Carolina, on Saturday. Group scenarios will include airframe icing, pitot-static icing, vacuum failures, marginal VFR flying and more. On Sunday at Putnam County Airport in Ohio, join a discussion on aeromedical issues including the risk factors in night flying, flight illusions and one ATP's story about sleep apnea.

Single-pilot IFR operations is the topic on Saturday at Virginia Highlands Airport.All phases of flight will be discussed along with a special session on some valuable tools such as electronic flight planning services, online weather planning and XM weather. On Saturday in Redding, California, aviation attorney Charles Finkel will bring his 40 years of experience in accident investigations and present for pilots a seminar on breaking the chain of events that lead up to poor decision-making and injury or death. If you're flying into Benton Field, park just south of the sunshade hangars on the west side of the airport, then walk over to the EAA Chapter 157 Quonset hut. For more on this weekend's upcoming events, visit SocialFlight.