Climate Protesters Turned Back At Antwerp Airport


According to local Belgian news sources, law enforcement officers thwarted a group of some 700 climate activists who tried to storm Antwerp Airport last week in an effort to disrupt flight operations. About 20 of the activists from the Netherlands-based group Code Rood (Code Red), also known as Code Rouge, did manage to break through airport fencing, but were stopped and detained before reaching any aircraft or active parking or operating areas.

The group had announced its plans to practice “mass civil disobedience” targeting aviation on Dec. 16 and 17, including cargo and business jet operations. Local news outlets reported that several hundred protesters were arrested.

The group reportedly had originally planned to disrupt Brussels International Airport, but switched its focus to the smaller regional airport in the days before the planned action.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


  1. I always find it interesting how in non-English speaking countries, they use protest banners written in English. Who do you think that’s for?

    • The majority of Dutch and Belgians are multilingual. Dutch and French are the “native” languages. English is the common language. I was surprised to learn classes in the major universities in the Holland are taught in English. Rioting and looting in response real and imagined offenses appears to be common anmong all humans. As is ignorance. Happy holidays and fly safe.

  2. Every airport has Big Yellow Fire Trucks with an attached Water Cannons, time to get some practice and start using them.

  3. They post their signs in English so that they will be covered on the news in the North American broadcast market. After all, this is where most of those nasty private jets are made.

  4. These loons probably DROVE their gas/diesel powered cars to the protest site. A question I always have is who exactly is paying for all these professionally done banners and placards, hmmm?

  5. It’s common in Europe for protestors to have numerous signs in various languages, knowing that news services will sort pictures among the collection taken for those most relevant to intended audiences. Did you think there were only four people with one sign in English?