Counterfeit Engine Parts Scheme Uncovered


The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is warning manufacturers and operators of aircraft powered by the most numerous jet engine of a counterfeit parts scheme. EASA says it has determined U.K. parts distributor AOG Technics forged at least 70 Authorised Release Certificates covering about 50 parts for CFM56 engines that power the Boeing 737NG, Airbus A320 and several other types. About 30,000 of the engines are in service.

The FAA has not yet issued any comment on the discovery, and EASA hasn’t released much detail. It’s not clear what parts are involved, who made them and how many have been installed, according to CFM International, which makes the engines, has issued a notice to manufacturers and operators to immediately quarantine any parts received from AOG Technics.

The company has apparently taken down its website, but online descriptions linger and it described itself as “a leading global aircraft support provider to the air transport aftermarket industry. We specialise in Engine Material, Engine Leasing, Airframe Parts and Financial Solutions.” Bloomberg is reporting the owner of the company as Jose Zamoa Yrala, a 35-year-old Venezuelan who has also listed himself as British on financial documents.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.

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  1. A result of the glorious idea to allow companies to certify themselves using „performance based regulation“ rather than old-fashioned inspections?

  2. I worked as an A&P at PHI in the late ’80’s and remember the counterfeit Huey parts coming out of Vietnam from all the aircraft we left there. My supervisor told me that since Bell used certain part numbers on later aircraft there’d be phony documentation and perfectly repainted parts with absolutely NO verification on these “cheap” components.

  3. : If you recall, there was a Tv News helo that incurred engine failure in the late ’80’s near TEB, killing the crew and news reporter as a result if counterfeit parts. (NTSB).