Possible New Evidence In The Mystery Of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370
The latest news on the 10-year-old mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 comes out of Australia, this week, where a 77-year-old fisherman claims he likely snagged part of the Boeing…

The latest news on the 10-year-old mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 comes out of Australia, this week, where a 77-year-old fisherman claims he likely snagged part of the Boeing 777 wing in his nets, but his reports were ignored by authorities. Kit Olver said that six months after the flight disappeared on March 8, 2014, his trawler’s net snagged a large piece of debris that he said was clearly part of the wing of a large aircraft.
“It was the bloody great wing of a big jet airliner,” he told the Sydney Morning Herald, adding, “I’ve questioned myself; I wish to Christ I’d never seen the thing.”
His companion on the trawler, now-69-year-old George Currie, backed up the story, telling the paper, “It stretched out the net and ripped it. It was too big to get up on the deck. As soon as I saw it, I knew what it was. It was obviously a wing, or a big part of it, from a commercial plane.”
In his interview with the newspaper, Olver countered any natural skepticism by offering to provide the exact coordinates of where he found the debris to authorities. He said the location is roughly 55 kilometers off the coast of Southern Australia, adjacent to the coastal town of Robe, which is about halfway between Melbourne and Adelaide.