Some flying moments are memorable for the wrong reasons, and it’s fair to say everyone aboard an Air Canada flight landing at Toronto’s Pearson Airport from Tokyo on Monday was left with a lasting impression of their arrival. The Boeing 777 was landing in a stiff crosswind (17 G 26) and might have encountered wind shear as the windward wing suddenly dipped sharply, planting the right main gear firmly on the runway. The plane then rocked left as the crew wrestled it down to a safe runout.

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. Passengers, please keep your hands inside the ride. This is how not to stick a landing with a hot approach. That was close. Oh…. Canada!

  2. Most of us have had at least one of these in our careers. The wind sock almost appears to be showing a tailwind, possibly a big gust with a shift too. It does appear that the bottom dropped out when the nose pitched up, aircraft lost airspeed and touched down with a plant on the runway. More than likely very demanding winds coupled with a long axis airframe that is generally very good in crosswind conditions. We have all been there……

  3. “Excuse me captain but was that an unusually hard landing or were we shot down?”

    A guy I worked with was on a “Fam” flight (back when controllers were allowed to fly in the cockpit) and heard a deplaning passenger ask the pilot that after a rather uncomfortable landing.