Vegas-Area Airport Fees Scaled Back, But Not Enough For AOPA


Following backlash from pilots and aviation groups over high special event fees for the upcoming F1 race, Las Vegas’ Clark County has made more parking available and drastically reduced costs for certain general aviation aircraft.

In a Nov. 15 press release, AOPA says it has met with Clark County officials on several occasions regarding “egregious fees” associated with a Prior Permission Required (PPR) program ahead of the Formula 1 Heineken Silver Las Vegas Grand Prix.

Initially, Clark County airports including Henderson Executive Airport and North Las Vegas Airport were charging a $3,000 fee for all aircraft. However, after a review and speaking with AOPA, the county found some 40 available parking spaces for smaller GA aircraft and revised the fees to a more affordable $750. AOPA reported that the county has also reached out to pilots who inquired about the PPR and offered the updated lower fee.

However, not all airports are accommodating the lower fees. While Clark County owns five airports in the Southern Nevada area, the FBOs at Harry Reid International—Signature and Atlantic—set their own special event prices. AVweb confirmed Atlantic’s fees are $1,500 for piston aircraft and $3,000 for jets, while Signature is charging between $5,000 and $10,000 depending on aircraft type, according to AOPA. Both FBOs reported the PPR reservations were full.

“Well, it’s progress but we still have a ways to go to get to fair and reasonable fees. Clark County should be imposing the same standards to private FBOs that operate on their public-use airport,” said AOPA President Mark Baker. “We still need guardrails around these fees, especially for the private operators who don’t get fuel volume discounts and can’t pass these costs along.”

Amelia Walsh
Amelia Walsh is a private pilot who enjoys flying her family’s Columbia 350. She is based in Colorado and loves all things outdoors including skiing, hiking, and camping.


  1. Aren’t these fees part of the bragging rights? “Look how much I paid to park my multi-million dollar jet toy! (and watch cars whiz by for a few seconds from my airconditioned, champagne flowing suite)”. C’mon. This is as much about GA as it is about watching submarine races.

  2. When I plan my cross country flights, one of the first things that I access are the associated fees. Parking, landing, fuel, etc. Flying is expensive enough. Paying for someone’s 2nd home isn’t happening.

  3. So many people outside of aviation have a mistaken idea that everyone inside is “rich” and blessed with bottomless pockets. When certain factions within the aviation community behave in ways which confirm the bias – like LV area FBOs – who can blame them?

  4. > a more affordable $750

    You used that word “affordable.” I do not think that word means what you think it means…

  5. Who goes to Vegas to _save_ money? Especially during a world-class sporting event? It looks to me that the Signature and Atlantic FBO$ are trying (like every other business in Vegas) to fleece the willing out of as much cash as they have. So: business as usual. Where’s the news?

    Those FBO’s have limited real-estate, staff, and fuel, and are expecting a $hit-ton of arrivals, whose privileged owners don’t tend to show up at your local EAA wienie-roast. Let’em fleece the fat-sheep; I vote with my wallet.

    • Yeah, I kind of agree with you, but my only concern is that these kind of fees eventually set a higher bar for “nonevent” days. Once FBO’s get away with charging numbers like these, they start inching up the fees charged on regular days (as long as they all do it) – eventually it makes it unaffordable for smaller aircraft to get access.
      I guess one can argue that’s market pricing, they’re right but it sucks.

      • I too vote with my wallet – and I agree that the fat cats will pay regardless of what it costs for the most part.

    • The problem is that some pilots do cater to those highway robber FBO’s, and this makes other FBO’s follow suite, regardless of the event or not.
      I believe that this is truly a lack of unity between pilots. We should literally force such organizations to pay the price until they change their behavior.

      I think that if most of pilots, as a group, are responsibly avoiding such FBO for at least a year-long period, they may learn the lesson.

      For example, placing three wheels of a cirrus in Boca Raton KBCT costs a minimum of about $75, while some 15-20 miles south at Pompano beach KPMP you get a great towered airport with great service, lower fuel prices, and $15 (or 20)/night. Pilots should penalize the KBCT people until they lower their prices. Free market works both ways.

      Similarly, if pilots would post prices of maintenance, and especially emergency maintenance fees, ripoff FBO’s will look again at their prices. Koury Aviation maintenance at KGSO charge me $800 to change a flat inner tube (not even a tire) in a Cirrus. I hope that despite a real nice line crew, the risk of such exorbitant fees for a flat will get pilots away from such facilities for at least a year, and will force them to advertise that they corrected their ways.

      Yes IS expensive, but in a large part because we do not fight back.

    • ” Especially during a world-class sporting event? ”
      Correction….it is a party for the elites that also just happens to have an F1 race during it.
      Even the drivers are calling it 99% show and 1% sports.

  6. there are some airports where it is difficult get to your destination without using them. such as Chicago executive PWK so even if you just want to take the aircraft in and visit your son nearby it is very difficult and expensive.

    these are federally funded airports and thus we pay for them and should not be charged exorbitant fees for what we don’t need and there should be GA parking with easy access to the outside.

  7. The best way to experience any attraction in and around Las Vegas has always been and continues to be through the rear view mirror.

  8. What are the dates again for this fiasco? I read it the first time, but wasn’t concerned as we try to stay away from Las Vegas–but the aircraft owners just scheduled a trip there Dec. 8-11–and we would like to avoid it.