AVweb Remembers R. Scott Puddy: November 28, 1956 – June 18, 2002

Scott Puddy contributed many articles about flying to AVweb in recent years (see the list below), and also worked as our features editor. His enthusiasm for aviation and his intensity in pursuing it were simply extraordinary. Even more extraordinary was his dedication to sharing his passion for flying with others, by teaching and writing. He touched a lot of lives, undoubtedly saved many, and his legacy of written words will continue to do both for many years to come. Scott’s warmth, wit, and keen intelligence will be missed by all who knew him and worked with him.

On the morning of June 18, 2002, Scott perished doing what he loved:practicing aerobatics in a Yak-52, in the mountains of Brentwood, Calif. He hadrecently been working to advance his aerobatic skills, and placed 13th among 19pilots in his first competition, at Paso Robles, the weekend of June 8. He hadalso flown aerobatics in Citabrias and recently checked out in the PittsSpecial.

The Yak, N644LL, belonged to a friend of Scott's, Melinda Whiteway of WalnutCreek, and he had flown it many times. He also owned his own Bonanza and waspart owner of a Baron with his father. The family airplanes are based atConcord, Calif., and Boeing Field, in Seattle.

Scott graduated from Queen Anne High School in Seattle, Wash., where heexcelled in sports and academics. He graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa,from Yale University in 1978, earning a degree in history. He graduated fromStanford University's law school in 1981, and practiced law in the San Franciscoarea. He was a member of the NTSB Bar Association, AOPA, NAFI, and EAA.

He is survived by a daughter, Stephanie Frances Puddy (and her mother, MarciaWaitt), in Sioux City, Iowa; his parents, LaVern and Frances M. Puddy, ofSeattle, Wash.; sisters Lisa , Linda, andPaige; six nieces and nephews; and many friends.

A memorial gathering was held at his home in Pleasant Hill, Calif., onSaturday afternoon, June 22. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. at Mt.Pleasant Cemetery on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, Saturday, June 29.

R. Scott Puddy Final Flight

It is with deep regret and sadness that we must report the loss of one of AVweb'sown. R. Scott Puddy, a frequent contributor to our features department, diedTuesday when the Yak-52 he was flying crashed into a hillside near Brentwood,Calif., in Contra Costa County. Puddy was alone in the airplane at the time.Besides his work as a writer and editor for AVweb, Puddy taught flying atAttitude Aviation in Livermore and practiced law in San Francisco. His flightratings included ATP, CFI, CFI-I, AGI, and MEI, and he recently had pursued aninterest in aerobatic flight. Puddy was practicing an aerobatic routine in theYak when the accident occurred.

Puddy's articles for AVweb covered diverse topics, includinginstrument-flying technique, how to cope with icing encounters, mountain flying,and pilot decision-making. He also had worked as features editor. "Scottwas a pleasure to work with," Joseph E. (Jeb) Burnside, AVweb'sformer executive editor, recalled yesterday. "He brought enthusiasm andinsight to his work; his dedication to aviation was never in doubt." He was45 years old. All of us at AVweb extend our condolences to his family andhis many friends.

— From AVweb's NewsWire, June 20, 2002