Question of the Week: Summer Flying Plans
Ah, June — the beginning of summer and the inspiration for flying plans. What’s your agenda? Plus: Last week, we asked AVweb readers who should foot the ATC bill at AirVenture this summer; click through for the breakdown of responses.

Ah, June -- the beginning of summer and the inspiration for flying plans. What's your agenda?
What are your summer flying plans?
(click to answer)
Last Week's Question: Results
Want to see the current breakdown of responses? Take a moment to answer the question yourself, and then you can view real-time results.
What's On Your Mind? |
Have an idea for a new "Question of the Week"? NOTE: This address is only for suggested "QOTW" questions, and not for "QOTW" answers or comments. (Use this form to send "QOTW" comments to our AVmail Editor.) |

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