Short Final: Age Before Duty


My friend and I were flying his SR22 into Denver’s Centennial Airport. I was handling the radio. We were VFR at 13,500 feet when Center handed us off to Denver Approach. I checked in, then followed up with a request:

Me: In case we need it, can I expect a Bravo clearance?

Approach: No.

A few seconds went by…

Approach: That was unprofessional. Unable. My bad, I’m pretty old.

Me: I’m older.

Approach: Do you want to make a bet?

Me: At what age do they make you guys retire?

Approach: 56.

Me: Then I win the bet.

Approach: Alright, I owe you one. Cleared into the Bravo.


  1. I am still the youngest person in the room when I go to the local Post Office. And I am probably older than the both of
    Cape Cod in the winter.

  2. I’m 71 and many times when someone older asks me my age and I tell them sometimes the response is “ah, young pup.”