Short Final: Do Over
I was making a late‐night approach to Des Moines International Airport. Me: “Des Moines approach, Baron 12KA, 15 east at 3000.” Tower: “12KA turn left heading 180, descend then right…

I was making a late‐night approach to Des Moines International Airport.
Me: “Des Moines approach, Baron 12KA, 15 east at 3000.”
Tower: “12KA turn left heading 180, descend then right to land on 23.”
Me: “Roger, 12KA.”
I was on a heading of 270, then turned left to 180 and headed south. With the airport in sight, I started a turn to the right on an initial heading of about 195 toward the airport.
Tower: “Baron 12 KA, I realize you are the only plane in the sky but your clearance was to fly 180 until making a right turn to 23, not fly a loop.”
I kicked the nose back to 180 until the runway was off the right wingtip and then made the turn directly to 23.
The following night I was once again approaching the airport.
Me: “Des Moines approach, Baron 12KA, 15 east at 3000.”
The same air traffic controller as last night was on duty.
Tower: “Baron 12 KA, it’s the same procedure as last night. Do you think you can get it right this time?”
Me: “12KA. If I don’t, I’ll be back tomorrow night to try again.”
Tower: “12 KA, cleared to land on 23.”
Once taxiing to the Elliott Aviation ramp, we shared a good laugh together.
Jim Lightfoot
White Oak, Texas