This Month In Aviation Consumer: G100UL Flight Trial


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How does a 215-HP Lycoming run on GAMI’s unleaded avgas? Sister publication Aviation Consumer magazine loaded some in a Van’s RV-14 and put it through the wringer with predictable results. Read the story here.


  1. A 215-horsepower Lycoming doesn’t need 100 octane. It’s time for some independent testing of and reporting on G100UL in engines that cannot run on 94UL, and scrutinize the plan for making this fuel commercially available.

  2. CORECTION: The engine on this RV-14 was certificated for 100LL and therefore requires 100 octane. Still, the real test of unleaded 100 octane fuels is in the 300-350 HP range, and in a fuel that is commercially available at airports around the world.