AirVenture 2023: NASA Shows The Super Guppy


Few aircraft are instantly recognizable as NASA’s bulbous Super Guppy heavy transport. It has been on the job since the 1960s, transporting large aircraft and spacecraft components. It will be used to transport the heat shield for the Artemis Moon missions. AVweb took a quick look and shot this video.


  1. Went aboard the Guppy in ’82 at Ellington AFB thanks to an old Army buddy who worked at NASA. As I entered the aircraft by the crew door and turned to my left the immense space available was flat amazing. For me the video doesn’t quite give a proper sense of the enormity of the modification but at least I’ve been inside. Quite an aircraft.

    • Yep, One can see pictures of Mammoth Cave, but when you are actually in it, it looks a whole lot bigger…or should that be “HOLE” lot bigger?

  2. Years ago, my 172 and I found ourselves sharing a Louisiana traffic pattern with the Super Guppy while (I presume) the NASA crew were doing pilot qualifications. Round and round we went, opposite each other in the pattern.

    I can only guess that it was a new crew based out of Houston, because the Guppy itself “lives” in El Paso.