A group of volunteers and some generous sponsors are restoring the first Lear Jet 23 to be delivered to a customer, and Tom Zwemke a retired marketing executive from Cessna created and produced the video as a donation to help promote Classic Lear Jet Foundation and the restoration of Lear Jet 23-003. An earlier version of this story incorrectly credited the video and we apologize for the error.


  1. I flew s/n 091 as a green co-pilot for a midwest based cargo service. Nothing like it in the world then or now. Subsequent to that, I flew 24s, 25s and 35s. The 35 still soldiers on in that role today. Still nothing like them…

  2. Great story AvWeb! Clay Lacey told me when they got the first Learjet he got a call from Howard Hughes asking him to fly it over his home on the California coast south of Van Nuys airport so he could see it in flight. Clay said he did and made several passes at low altitude over Mr. Hughes standing outside his home! Clay lacy is the pilot to the Hollywood Stars and a great gentleman!