First Completed Texas Sport Cub Debuts at Sun ‘n Fun (Recorded Live at Sun ‘n Fun 2008)
Texas Sport’s Kurt Sehnert talks with Kitplanes magazine‘s Marc Cook about the first completed Texas Sport Cub, which was on prominent display in the company’s booth at Sun ‘n Fun. The Texas Sport Cub is a derivative of the Legend Cub factory-built Light Sport aircraft that is constructed as an Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft. It can be built to conform to LSA rules so it can be flown by Sport Pilots or to a higher gross weight for the rest of us. This podcast brought to you by Bose Corporation and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.
Texas Sport's Kurt Sehnert talks with Kitplanes magazine's Marc Cook about the first completed Texas Sport Cub, which was on prominent display in the company's booth at Sun 'n Fun. The Texas Sport Cub is a derivative of the Legend Cub factory-built Light Sport aircraft that is constructed as an Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft. It can be built to conform to LSA rules so it can be flown by Sport Pilots or to a higher gross weight for the rest of us.
This podcast brought to you by Bose Corporation and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.
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