Volcanic Ash Cloud Encounter
A NASA DC-8 (unintentionally) flew through a diffuse volcanic ash cloud generated by an Icelandic volcano 10 years years ago. The aircraft spent less than 10 minutes in the cloud and, upon first inspection, seemed undamaged. It turns out that first looks can be deceiving. AVweb‘s Glenn Pew talks with Tom Grindle of NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, who authored a report on the damage.
A NASA DC-8 (unintentionally) flew through a diffuse volcanic ash cloud generated by an Icelandic volcano 10 years years ago. The aircraft spent less than 10 minutes in the cloud and, upon first inspection, seemed undamaged. It turns out that first looks can be deceiving. AVweb's Glenn Pew talks with Tom Grindle of NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, who authored a report on the damage.
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