Mooney’s New CEO: Production to be Resumed at Kerrville
Mooney Aircraft is the latest U.S. company to be snapped up by Chinese interests and the new CEO, Jerry Chen, told AVWeb in an exclusive interview in Xi’an that he intends to keep the company in Kerrville, Texas, and resume production of Ovation and Acclaim models. Chen sees the airplanes as city-to-city personal aircraft and step-up trainers for China’s burgeoning flight training industry.

Incoming Mooney president Jerry Chen, a Taiwan native who holds a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, told AVweb Friday he intends to keep the heralded airframe manufacturer in its hometown of Kerrville, Texas. AVweb interviewed Chen at the Chinese International Aviation Convention in Xian, China, where Mooney is exhibiting an Ovation and an Acclaim.
Those two models will form the foundation of the Mooney product line, Chen said, emphasizing his top priority is to restart Mooneys manufacturing line idled by the downturn in general aviation that began in 2008. Chen also pledged support for the Mooney fleets spare parts supply chain. His business strategy centers on Mooneys speed and fuel efficiency as a city-to-city traveler, doubling as an advanced trainer as entry-level Asian buyers step up.
Mooney has a long history of performance, Chen said, which attracted his investor group to the much-admired American brand. Chen is also the CEO of Soaring America Corporation. To watch the interview, click here.