Pilot’s Money Saving Tips, Blog
Brent Owens is a professional pilot, RV-8 builder, and former (and current) AVweb podcast subject who has recently found the attention of aviation publications for his written articles and his latest endeavor — a blog dedicated to money-saving tips for pilots. The website, fixedwingbuddha.com, is a collection of articles that detail methods that can help keep costs down for aircraft owners, reduce costs for renters, and showcase the more affordable routes to aircraft ownership and flying for aspiring and current pilots. All the information currently on the website is free.
Brent Owens is a professional pilot, RV-8 builder, and former (and current) AVweb podcast subject who has recently found the attention of aviation publications for his written articles and his latest endeavor -- a blog dedicated to money-saving tips for pilots. The website, FixedWingBuddha.com, is a collection of articles that detail methods that can help keep costs down for aircraft owners, reduce costs for renters, and showcase the more affordable routes to aircraft ownership and flying for aspiring and current pilots. All the information now on the website is free, and Owens says the format is designed to accept feedback. The site currently includes articles like "Can't afford to fly yet: Start here," "Renting Airplanes for less," and "Getting Paid to Fly," among others.
Owens currently divides posts into main categories that include airmanship, ownership, learning to fly, and a rated pilots section. He told AVweb Thursday that he intends to promote ideas from other pilots who contact him with money-saving tips that have worked for them and will ultimately produce a comprehensive e-book on the subject, which he plans to sell. However, the information currently on the site and whatever is added is entirely free and Owens says he plans to keep it that way. He says he hopes the site will serve as an online depot for ideas that will keep more pilots active in aviation and encourage interested people to join the pilot community.