Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase
Our latest winning photo comes from Rob Farland of Rio Vista, CA. Click here for the rest of this week’s submissions.

Dust Devil 170
A dust devil sprouts up hundreds of feet into the air above a Cessna 170B on a dry lake bed in the middle of Nevada.
Shot with a Cannon EOS Rebel T2i.

"Show's Over, Let's Go ..."
My last shot at Shaw Fest 2012 at Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina. T-6 Texan II.
Resized only. Nikon D5000, Sigma 150-500 OS Zoom.

Old Birds
Shot at Green Castle Aero Club (IA24) south of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A 1939 Studebaker Commander with a !947 Ercoupe and 1940s Piper Cub.
Taken with a Nikon D700 in .RAW format, aged in Photoshop.

Discovery Pass Over the Mall
Discovery doing a pass along the National Mall in Washington, DC.

On Good Friday, a Good Day of Flying!
At a friend's private strip getting ready to fly to a lunch that is served every Friday at GSH.
Taken with a Blackberry Bold. No manipulations.

Africa's Southern Tip
Africa's southern tip in the Atlantic ocean, with the back of Table Mountain seen at top right.

Tri-Pacer in the Cascades
1955 Piper Tri-Pacer with 150HP engine. On the taxiway at Skagit Regional Airport, Washington.
Shot with a Canon SX-10. 1/250 Sec, F4 at 70mm (equiv). Photo cropped for size. (Tail numbers scrubbed at owner's request.)

Looking Down the Wing
Slingsby T-21B, an open cockpit sailplane. A very common primary trainer in the Commonwealth. At York Soaring Association near Toronto, Ontario (Canada).
Nikon D7000 18-55mm DX @ 18mm. Circular Polarizer Filter used.

Old-Fashioned Stick and Rudder
Light on the stick in a 1946 Commonwealth Skyranger.