Short Final

Short Final…

Boston Center: Citation XXX, Boston Center now on 123.75.

Citation XXX: 127.35, have a nice day.

Boston Center: Citation XXX, that frequency is 123.75.

Citation XXX: Sorry, 123.75, we were dyslexic but were KO now.

Short Final…

Overheard en route out of Morristown, NJ (MMU) to Covington, KY (CVG)...

Departure Control: Continental ABC turn left heading 240 degrees and climb to 11,000.

[long pause]

Departure Control: Continental ABC, Simon says turn left heading 240 degrees and climb to 11,000.

Continental ABC: Roger, left turn 240 and up to 11,000, Continental ABC.

Short Final…

Control: Continental XXX give me a good rate please through FL100?

Continental XXX: Well sir, we are doing 2000fpm

Controller: Could you make it 3000 fpm?

Continental XXX: No Sir.

Controller: Oh ... do you not have speedbrakes?

Continental: Yes sir, I do, but that is for MY mistakes, not for YOURS!

Short Final…

Overheard on tower frequency at El Monte, Ca. airport, several years ago...

Tower: "Cessna Nxxxx., say your location."

Cessna Nxxxx: "I'm over here!"

Short Final…

As I was heading across the Desert a few monthes back, at the height of the Iraqi war, and wanting to cut through R2515 around Edwards Air Force Base, I had the following exchange with Joshua Approach...
Joshua Approach, Musketeer 123 requesting transition through R2515.
Joshua: Restricted area currently off limits, but let me talk to them at Edwards.
(About 20 seconds of dead air and then Joshua came back to me.)
Joshua: Musketeer 123, Proceed through the restricted area as requested, they need some practice on slow targets.

Short Final…

Overheard while flying east from Dayton...Approach: Cirrus 123, whats your speed?Cirrus 123: Now showing 200kts over the ground on the GPS.Unknown Pilot on Frequency: Thats one fast-moving cloud!

Short Final…

While flying through Colorado Springs Class C the other day, I heard the following exchange:

United 1234: "Springs Approach, United 1234. We cant read the localizer. Is there a problem?"

Approach: "The box is actually sitting right behind me. Theyre doing an upgrade and it should be back in service this Winter."

United 1234: "We cant hold that long."

Short Final…

I was in the pattern at FXE one night and I heard an aircraft taxiing out from Banyan Air Service tell the tower that he saw some debris on the taxiway. As the aircraft got closer the pilot said it looked like a pair of goggles on the taxiway. Discussion then ensued between the aircraft, the tower and the security guard in a truck being vectored to the location, about what type of goggles, Scuba, Snoopy type Flying goggles, Foggles etc. Once it was established that they were flying goggles or foggles the controller asked if any other debris was sighted and the pilot said no but he would be on the lookout for any doghouse parts or a beagle on the run.

Short Final…

I fly skydivers and am talking to controllers at the best ATC facility around quite often. One day traffic on the frequency was a little light so one of the controllers had a little fun:
Cessna123: Jumpers away!
Approach (in his best kid-on-a-ride voice): WEEEEEEE!

Short Final…

After holding short of runway 4, with no traffic in sight and the vice-president of the company riding shotgun ...

Pilot: "Cessna 123, still holding short."

Tower: " Cessna 123, Hold your taters."

Pilot: "Taters held, over."

Tower: "Cessna 123, release taters, [chuckle] Runway 33, position and hold."

The VP was impressed and the pilot is now known company-wide as "Tater".

Night flying has its advantages

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