Van’s Introduces RV-14, Up-sized Two-Place
Van’s Aircraft added one more design to its stable this week with the introduction of the RV-14, an aerobatic two-seat kit airplane, similar to the company’s RV-7 but with a roomier cabin and more baggage space. “You can also think of it as a two-seat version of the four-seat RV-10,” Ken Krueger, chief engineer for Van’s, told AVweb at EAA AirVenture on Tuesday. The new seats will hold folks up to 6’4″ in comfort, the company said. With full fuel of 50 gallons, the RV-14 can handle 510 pounds of people and cargo. Wing kits should be available this fall, the company said, at an estimated price of $9,000. Kits for the empennage, fuselage, and finishing “will be released in due course,” the company said, and a quick-build kit will become available after the standard kits are released.
Van's Aircraft added one more design to its stable this week with the introduction of the RV-14, an aerobatic two-seat kit airplane, similar to the company's RV-7 but with a roomier cabin and more baggage space. "You can also think of it as a two-seat version of the four-seat RV-10," Ken Krueger, chief engineer for Van's, told AVweb at EAA AirVenture on Tuesday. The new seats will hold folks up to 6'4" in comfort, the company said. With full fuel of 50 gallons, the RV-14 can handle 510 pounds of people and cargo. Wing kits should be available this fall, the company said, at an estimated price of $9,000. Kits for the empennage, fuselage, and finishing "will be released in due course," the company said, and a quick-build kit will become available after the standard kits are released.
Krueger said builders will find new refinements in the kit that make it easier to build. "The canopy plastic is pre-trimmed and the canopy frame is now all sheet metal, so it's easier to fit together," he said. "There's a lot more system integration work, such as building in the wire runs and runs for the fuel and brake lines. All these changes aim to make it easier for the builder but still flexible." The prototype is on display all week at AirVenture. It features a 210-hp Lycoming IO-390 engine. At gross weight, the airplane will fly at 203 mph and take off in 630 feet. Maximum range is 938 miles.