Airlines Also Take A Big Hit From The Worst Storm In Decades


Hurricane Ian was not kind to the airline industry’s schedule, as more than 5,000 flights were canceled as a result of the historic storm. According to flight-tracking site FlightAware, airlines canceled 403 flights on Tuesday in advance of the storm, 2,163 flights on Wednesday when it made landfall in Florida, 1,935 flights on Thursday and 738 on Friday, Sept. 30.

Among the hardest hit airports was Tampa International on Florida’s west coast. The airport closed on Tuesday night to begin securing equipment and buildings in advance of the wind, rain and storm surge. Orlando International Airport, the traditional destination for visitors the Disney World and other popular Florida theme parks, also temporarily shut down during the storm. Other airline airports that closed for a time included Sarasota-Bradenton, Melbourne, Daytona Beach, Naples and St. Petersburg/Clearwater.

Hurricane Ian arrived in the midst of the traditional hurricane season, which typically runs from June through the end of November.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. It was a hurricane, and it’s hurricane season. Florida is clobbered regularly by hurricanes, yet the folks there just rebuild, and wait for the next disaster to kick and whine about. If they’re smart, they should move somewhere that’s not vulnerable to such weather, or have their homes and businesses built to withstand hurricanes.

  2. “The Worst Storm In Decades”???

    Come on. I expect a little better journalism here than what I get from the typical outlets.

    The last Cat 5 hurricane to hit the US was Michael in 2018. Or Harvey which was a Cat 4 in 2017.

    Or are you using a different definition of “decades” than everyone else?

    • Figure liberals are again exaggerating about weather events to justify their Green New Deal. Remember when they placed their heat island thermometers next to air conditioner exhaust vents? Now, every time the wind gusts above 20 knots, they give it a name.