Augusta Regional Airport Braces For Masters Week Surge


As Masters week kicks off, some 1,500 aircraft are expected to descend on Augusta Regional Airport (KAGS), though securing a parking reservation for golf’s biggest tournament comes with a hefty price tag.

Aircraft arriving between April 7-15 should be prepared to pay special event fees based on weight, ranging from $125 to $3,000. The airport’s website also mentions ramp fees will be charged per day.

Assistant Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Lauren Smith, told Business Insider Augusta Regional Airport sees an average of 62 aircraft take off and land per day, but during Masters week, the airport is anticipating up to 300 airplanes per day. Since Sunday, air traffic has spiked to more than 1,000 arrivals, according to FlightAware.

But it’s not just private jets arriving; major carriers including Delta Air Lines and American Airlines have both added direct flights for the tournament. “Our numbers are going to be very high because of all those additional flights,” Smith told Business Insider. “Normally, the Monday after the Masters is a mass exodus and that’s our busiest day, but this year, we think Wednesday and even Thursday are going to be just as busy.”

Amelia Walsh
Amelia Walsh is a private pilot who enjoys flying her family’s Columbia 350. She is based in Colorado and loves all things outdoors including skiing, hiking, and camping.


  1. It’s not just AGS that will be filled to capacity. Daniel field (DNL) and Aiken(AIK) will also be overflowing as usual this time of year.

  2. It’s funny how all these jet setters don’t mind paying thousands of dollars in ramp fees to attend the Masters, the Super Bowl or F1 races, but go into full panic/proverty mode if they have to pay a nickel more in taxes on their Jet A.