FAA Pushes Out Deadline For MOSAIC Comments To Jan. 22, 2024
The FAA has extended the comment period on the Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (aka MOSAIC) notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) another 90 days. Originally scheduled to close on Oct….

Comments on the MOSAIC NPRM may now be submitted up to January 22 next year.
The FAA has extended the comment period on the Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (aka MOSAIC) notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) another 90 days. Originally scheduled to close on Oct. 23, comments may now be submitted up to Jan. 22, 2024, according to a statement from the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) posted today (Oct. 4).
The AEA was joined by seven other trade advocacy groups in requesting the extension. They are the Aeronautical Repair Station Association, Aviation Suppliers Association, Aviation Technician Education Council, Helicopter Association International, International Air Response Inc., Modification and Replacement Parts Association and the National Air Transportation Association. The stated purpose of the MOSAIC proposal is to expand the range of aircraft eligible for certification as light sport aircraft, as well as expanding the authority and opportunity for sport pilots.
AEA asserts there has been insufficient discussion on amendments to nine separate regulations, “including definitions, certification standards, maintenance standards, airman certification, operating rules and the certification of commercial operators.” The association wrote that it “continues to review the proposal to identify those elements that may affect AEA member companies and employees while focusing on inconsistencies, duplications and unintended consequences.”
AEA’s examination of the NPRM focuses on four areas: continued operational safety, limitations on modernization and upgrades to LSA, personnel and repetitive rulemaking.