NBAA Cites FAA Warnings On 5G Interference


The National Business Aviation Association reported yesterday (Nov. 1) that the FAA has updated guidance to operators and pilots on potential adverse effects on radio altimeters from 5G C-Band interference. The FAA recommends re-equipping aircraft with 5G C-Band-tolerant radio altimeters “as soon as possible.”

The FAA said the risk of dangerous electrical interference is greatest for aircraft that do not have the appropriate retrofit, and “interference could cause systems to operate in an unexpected way during any phase of flight but most critically during takeoff, approach and landing phases.”

The guidance is published in SAFO 21007, titled “Risk of Potential Adverse Effects on Radio Altimeters when Operating in the Presence of 5G C- Band Interference.” The publication is the most recent official update since the deadline for airlines to equip with filters against the adverse effects of 5G C-Band interference mandated on July 1.

Heidi Williams, NBAA senior director of air traffic services and infrastructure, said, “NBAA encourages aircraft owners and operators to consult with their OEMs regarding the need and availability of upgrades or filters. Pilots and operators should continue to watch for relevant NOTAMs related to 5G interference risks.”

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. I don’t get it. The risk is no different than it was two years ago when this issue came up, and we don’t seem to have had any increase in jets coming out of the sky.

  2. So what if any impact does/could 5G have on typical non-turbine GA planes? Are standard glass cockpit instruments (e.g. Garmin G5 and similar) somehow vulnerable – or is just some GPS/radios/transponder units that are potentially vulnerable?