NBAA’s Owner Pilot Association Coalition Lays Out Its 2023 Agenda


The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) recently marked the one-year anniversary of its Owner Pilot Association Coalition (NBAA-OPAC), a dedicated initiative to serve owner-operators who use their aircraft for business flying. The anniversary was a working celebration, with the 10 member groups participating in “a productive 2023 planning meeting focused on a number of new ways the expanding group can strategically coordinate to address top concerns for the owner-aviator community in the coming year.”

The meeting included representatives from four new member groups: The American Bonanza Society (ABS), the Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association (COPA), the HondaJet Owners and Pilots Association (HJOPA) and the Twin Cessna Flyer (TCF) group.

The meeting agenda included discussions on strategies to lower insurance for owner-operators, particularly for pilots over 70 years of age; exploring new resources to enhance operator safety; seeking creative ways to lower fuel costs; and how to mitigate or minimize supply chain difficulties “that affect all OEMs and owner-aviators.”

Tom Turner, executive director of the ABS Air Safety Foundation, said, “I’ve felt our community has needed a coalition like this for some time. The ability to discuss important safety and operational issues and identify common best practices will strengthen our entire industry.”

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. I stoped using my plane for business a long time ago, and the reason was the early 2000’s changes on the deductibility of training hours. A minimum amount of IFR hours needs to be deductible. The tax gurus are basically telling their customers to make up business trips, and that’s not the relationship I wanted with the IRS.

  2. All I can say is that’s a nice picture of a Bonanza. The “Doctor Killer” has always been one of my favorites. In assume the Cirrus has now taken that role?

  3. I am a physician, who flies a Bonanza. Sadly, it’s not the Bonanzas that kill doctors, it’s the other way around. Wonderful airplane.

  4. Seems that being able to afford a top of the line, single-engine plane takes more (a lot more) money than what a GP earns. With the current market even a nice C182 May be out of reach. How things change.