Seven Injured By Turbulence On Honolulu-Sydney A330 Flight


CNN reported yesterday (July 3) that seven people om a Hawaiian Airlines flight were injured by turbulence. The airline confirmed the Airbus A330 encountered dangerous turbulence five hours into an 11-hour flight from Honolulu to Sydney, Australia.

After arrival, four of the injured, including one passenger and three flight attendants, were taken for further evaluation. The remaining three were assessed by medical personnel after the flight landed and released. The flight landed in Sydney without incident on Friday at 7:47 p.m. local time. 

The airline said in a statement, “Our immediate priority is to continue to care for our passengers and crew affected by this turbulence event, and we thank Sydney Airport first responders for their swift assistance.”

The FAA is investigating the incident.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. Pilot negligence, for one. Did they intentionally fly into an area of known severe turbulence? Was it clear air turbulence? Was the seatbelt sign on accompanied by a PA announcement to check seat belts? Did the captain instruct the flight attendants to stay seated?

    If there’s a broken bone, even a tiny break of the smallest bone, the NTSB investigates. The cockpit voice recorder, flight data recorder and ACARS data are all reviewed.

    It’s not a fun experience if you’re the one being investigated.