Top Letters And Comments, June 16, 2023
This week’s letters brought comments from readers about new secondary flight deck barrier requirements, a WWII fighter group reunion, and the impact of forest fire smoke on flying.

FAA To Require Secondary Flight Deck Barrier
This is a response to 9/11.
It’s sobering to think that new college students (and even 19-year-olds) today do not remember this event: to them, it is something they learned about in history class and from their parents. By the time this rule change is implemented, many FOs going through those double doors will not remember the events that gave rise to it.
Agree or disagree with the change, but take note: THAT is how quickly the FAA moves – in response to the biggest perceived crisis in decades. Meanwhile, GA is still stuck with regulations drafted in the 1940s and an airplane fleet from the 1960s. GA needs to be freed from the FAA, somehow – and soon – so the FAA can focus on catching up with history and serving the needs of airline passengers, and GA can modernize at last.
Thomas B.
Who remembers the pre 911 days when a passenger could ask the flight attendant if they could visit the flight deck once above 10,000′ and almost always get permission?
I recall many times sitting awestruck in a jump seat or huddled elsewhere in the cockpit enjoying the goings on.
Once I flew from Miami to JFK at night on a deadhead flight. I was injured while diving in the Keys (bit by a Morey of all things) and was miserable and needed to go home ASAP. The airline put me on the deadhead. I was the only passenger. I spent the whole flight above 10,000′ up front. I was a pre-student pilot at that time.
I would tell the FA that I was a pilot/physician. Not sure if that helped but would provide an inkling of an idea I would be able to behave and appreciate the privilege.
Legendary WWII 4th Fighter Group Association Plans October Reunion
As a young man my father was one of those who traveled to Canada with the intent of joining the RCAF.
All was going well until they got to the point where he was told to “Raise his right hand and swear allegiance To the Crown.”
At that time, it would have potentially cost him his American citizenship and that was something he was not willing to do.
He returned to Washington and went to work at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard, a position which kept him safe from the draft.
The requirement to become a British subject apparently was later dropped.
He was a “little guy” only about 5”6’ and 140 pounds and would have fit very well in a Spitfire.
Tom W.
Poll: Has Smoke From Forest Fires Impacted Your Flying?
- Airliners fly through almost anything, this was no different. Made some IROPs (irregular ops, usually when there’s things like snow, or thunderstorms) it was like a bad visibility IFR day for when I flew. It was so strange to be going to the hotel and seeing a dark red sun.
- Had to curtail some PPL training since the horizon was not visible.
- Yes, it's given me the ability to rack up lots of actual!
- I’m too far away to be impacted right now but have been impacted by smoke in the past. It has turned day VFR into IMC, it makes your eyes water, and breathing unpleasant. Getting out of it became a priority.
- Washington, Idaho, Montana has been putting up with the same conditions for years. Never make the news. East coast gets it, oh my god the sky is falling.
- Yes. Canceled Reno air races in ‘21 and ‘22 from Virginia cuz of it.
- Smoke itself has had no impact. We deal with this annually. It causes the occasional need to shoot an instrument approach, which is no different than a hazy or cloudy day.
- Welcome to the West...
- In the past, but not from the Canadian fire.
- Yes, in years past in Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona. Nice to see the east coast get to experience it.
- Not This Year; but yes in years previous... but then WE aren't in the politically spotlighted areas of the country that get notoriety. We are FLYOVER country and irrelevant to MSM.
- Around 2000 I had to descend to 500' AGL to get under a smoke cloud produced when FL forestry personnel were burning an area of Eglin AFB reservation. The smoke was very thick and flowing directly over Fort Walton Beach, FL, adjacent to Eglin AFB. This type burning continues to this day to help protect the forests. Forestry personnel still burn forests for miles around Eglin AFB and the smoke is usually visible, and sometimes at a near IFR level if flying near it. And, the burning is always done on a beautiful clear day. Usually the forestry personnel take wind direction into consideration, but sometimes the wind changes after the burning starts. Sometimes the smoke is very thick. Sometimes it drifts over local airports.
- Not this year, but most years California gets a little hazy, and TFRs.
- Welcome to the club. The West deals with this regularly.