Short Final: Slow For Spacing
One day on my way to Nashville, I overheard the following: American 1234: “Good morning Atlanta Center. American 1234 checking in. Out of 23 for 12 thousand.” Atlanta Center: “Good…

One day on my way to Nashville, I overheard the following:
American 1234: “Good morning Atlanta Center. American 1234 checking in. Out of 23 for 12 thousand.”
Atlanta Center: “Good morning American 1234, say indicated airspeed.”
American 1234: “320 knots.”
Atlanta Center: “For spacing into Charlotte, I need you to slow to 260 knots.”
American 1234: “Aw, man, you’re killing me.”
Atlanta Center: “So, do you remember the old saying, ‘It hurts me as much as it hurts you?’”
American 1234: “Yes.”
Atlanta Center: “Sorry, it doesn’t apply today!”
Patrick Jebaily
Florence, SC

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