E-35 Bonanza Restoration


When it first emerged from the factory in 1947, the Beechcraft Bonanza was a thing to behold. Fast, good looking and practical, it was soon a sales hit. Lots of those early models are still out there and at AirVenture this year, E35 owner Jason Fischer had his nicely restored airplane on display. AVweb’s Mark Phelps got a tour and shot this video.

Mark Phelps
Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. I have no problem with someone restoring an aircraft. As long as they are actively doing so. I have a problem with people that SAY they are going to restore their aircraft. And the only thing that changes is the date on the calendar.

  2. Good article. I had to smile when I heard him say that his purchase of the plane was more of an interview to see if he was the right person for the plane. When I bought my Cardinal RG the same thing happened. I went to look over the plane and after a while I realized he was looking to see if I would be worthy of buying the plane. I have come to realize that we are not just owners, but stewards of these older planes. We care for them and upgrade them so that some day in the future, we will “interview” a younger person to see if they will be a good steward of our baby.