Short Final

Short Final…

Overheard at Bankstown Airport in suburban Sydney...

Tower: ABC, cleared for takeoff. Caution for a rabbit at the far end of the runway.

ABC: Roger rabbit...

Short Final…

From our, "There's a right way, and then there's other ways," file...

Tower: Cessna XXX cleared to land 20.

Cessna: Cleared to land 20.

Tower: Cessna XXX can you land and hold short 31-13.
(brief pause.....)
Cessna: You bethca.

Tower: XXX is that a roger.

Cessna: ...Roger. Land and hold short 31-13.

Short Final…

Tower: Skyhawk xxx follow Baron on four mile final for 17L.

Skyhawk: Baron in sight.

a little later...

Tower: Skyhawk you're 10 knots faster than the Baron. Slow down.

Skyhawk: Yeeha!!! (Followed by hysterical laughter.)

Tower: Right... Not something you hear every day.

Short Final…

Carrier 1234: Cape Approach, can we get direct Boston?

Approach: Your wish is my command...

Carrier 1234: Approach, got time for another wish?

Approach: Nope, you used up your wish.

Carrier 1234: I don't get three?

Approach: Carrier 1234, did you say Boston, or Austin?

Carrier 1234: ...I'll take that as a "No."

Short Final…

All pilots, use caution for flocks of birds on and in the vicinity of the airport...

Tower: Skyhawk XXXXX, be advised there are 10,000 seagulls near the approach of runway 15.

Skyhawk: Roger. Is that an official count?

Tower: Just a quick count.

Tower: Skyhawk XXXXX, be advised there are 10,435 seagulls near the approach of runway 15 ... and you're cleared for the option.

Short Final…

Overheard at KLAS, Dec. 19, 2003, 9:30pm...

ATC: NABCD, after departure turn left heading 175 climb and maintain at or below 4,000, departure 125.9 and squawk XXXX.

Pilot: Any chance of a higher inital altitude?

ATC: We give you 4,000 in case of lost com.

Pilot: I know thats why I want higher.

Short Final…

Heard on the Ellington Field ATIS on Christmas Eve.:

"... on initial contact advise you have Ellington information Rudolph."

Short Final…

Overheard December 18, 2003, at a local gliderport...

"A moment of silence everyone, for today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the tow plane."

Short Final…

At a busy local airport one sunny Saturday flight instructors were hopping in and out of different aircraft all day long:

Unidentified pilot: Montgomery Ground, Cessna, er, Cessna ... wait ... who am I today?
I'll have to call you back.

Ground: Roger, call back when you know who you are.

Short Final

Taxing back for a departure on Rwy 23 at Morristown (MMU), I noticed a group of 10 or so snow geese walking across the taxiway toward the runway. I paused for a moment and started to maneuver in behind the group of waterfowl. Then I heard ...

GROUND CONTROL: Cessna 123, those things are really a pain in the tail feathers.

ME: Some one is going to have to teach them a lesson.

GROUND: (refering to a Citation on short final) It looks like they are going to get that lesson.

UNIDENTIFIED: "Mmmm -- Pate!"

Night flying has its advantages

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