Short Final

Short Final…

In the late 80's, I attended Daniel Webster College for my Aviation Management/Flight Operations Degree. At the time there were several AF ROTC candidates on campus and the usual amount of paraphernalia that accompanies their recruitment.

While visiting a friend, an ROTC candidate, in his on-campus townhouse, I had to use his "facilities." To my surprise, I noticed a pencil on top of the commode that inappropriately advertised, "Air Force -- Aim High!"

Short Final…

Sometimes when we are stressed we forget to think before we key the mike. This actually happened after the oil line blew.

88U : Manchester (NH) tower Cherokee 5988U is five miles NW with a total engine failure.

MHT: (Using that standard FAA terminology) What are your intentions?

88U: I intend to land!

MHT : (that standard terminology again) Roger, how many souls on board?

88U: no souls, four heathens.

Short Final…

More from our How big is it? file...

On a pleasant spring morning at the Ohio State University's Don Scott airport, with many students doing the required bounce-and-goes on 27L and 27R, I was cleared to taxi to the less active 32:

C-172: Holding short 32 awaiting release.

Twr: Student C-150 departing 27L. Position and hold 32.

C-172: Position and hold 32, caution for wake turbulance

Twr: [chuckle]

After departing on 32 I heard the student setting up for another touch and go:

C-150: Cessna 150 heavy, cleared touch and go.

Twr: [bigger chuckle]

Short Final…

More from our "Flying IS fun" file...

I took my cousin for a plane ride a few years ago. After an hour, we headed back to DuPage airport. The last 10 minutes of the flight were quiet, with almost no conversation. About six miles out, I keyed the mic and opened my mouth to contact the tower, when all of a sudden my cousin shouts loudly, "HEY, LOOK, THERE'S A NAKED LADY DOWN THERE BY THE SWIMMING POOL!" My mouth was still open and the mic button was still pushed.

Short Final

More from our "How they handle the stress" file...

Part of the passenger arrival briefing from the lone flight attendant on a United Express O'Hare-to-Memphis flight.

"Please remove all personal items from the aircraft. Any items left on board can be found at my yard sale next Sunday."

Short Final…

More from our "Employee Relations" file...

(Two company DH8's on final into Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.)

Controller: CO1234, your traffic is company DH8, at your 11 o'clock, 3,000.

CO1234: Roger Saskatoon, have company DH8 in sight, too close for missiles, going to guns.

Controller: Roger ... please avoid hitting tower.

Short Final…

From our "It all depends on how you look at it" file...

Short Final…

In a holding pattern behind several aircraft...

Short Final…

A sailplane turned final too low to make the desired runway. Equipped with a hand-held microphone, the pilot radioed his intention to change runways ...

Short Final…

Heard at Republic Airport, Long Island.
Night flying has its advantages

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