Avfuel Now Supplies Two Monterey FBOs With Sustainable Jet Fuel


Aviation fuel supplier Avfuel announced it now supplies sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to both FBOs at Monterey (California) Regional Airport (KMRY). Del Monte Aviation joins Monterey Jet Center as providers of Neste MY SAF. Avfuel, which has delivered approximately 216,000 gallons of the fuel to the airport, said, “By expanding the availability of SAF at Monterey Regional Airport, Avfuel, Del Monte Aviation and Monterey Jet Center can together support the green initiatives of the Monterey community and its eco-conscious clientele.”

That volume of low-carbon fuel equates to reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 513 metric tons, according to Avfuel. “As a reference,” the company said, “that’s the same amount of carbon emitted from … nearly 65 homes in a year, or from 111 passenger vehicles.” The Neste-produced fuel is made from “sustainably sourced, renewable waste and residue materials,” including recycled cooking oil. It is a fully approved drop-in fuel that, once blended with petroleum jet fuel, meets the ASTM D-1655 specification for conventional jet fuel and performance standards under all operating conditions.

“The entire Monterey community—from the FBOs and the airport, to its businesses and citizens—have been champions for sustainability and a natural launching pad for SAF in the Avfuel Network,” said Keith Sawyer, Avfuel’s manager of alternative fuels.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. Cost compared to Jet A?

    Energy content compared to Jet A?

    Weight compared to Jet A?

    Affinity to microbes (contamination) compared to Jet A?

    Works with PRIST?

  2. “that, once blended with petroleum jet fuel…”
    The same likely could be said of chicken manure. Although, “you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken sh!*.”
    “Would you like fries with that?” 100% virtue-signaling.

  3. Wait, what? “Once blended…”? They could have provided the ratio of evil toxic petro-based poison to unicorn pee.

  4. Wait. If I fly a piston burning around 12 gph, and want to buy fuel without lead, they won’t approve that, but if I burn Jet fuel 60 at gph and have a guilty conscience they will approve any yahoos tossing in some veggie oil and having a Druid bless it?

    One of these planes hitting a building will most likely not kill the inhabitants. The other can take out a skyscraper. We are more worried about the little one?

    Did I miss something?

    • Yep. Piston engines can be finicky about what you feed them, and the fuel systems on older planes my not care for certain chemicals.
      Most turbines will run on any combustible fluid you can pour in the tank; some turboprop engines are even approved for short runs on gasoline. But they’ll run on rather heavy oil, the kerosene and gasoline families, alcohols, etc. Watch the temps, and burn it.

      • Yeah, no. This isn’t an M1 Abrams with a crew of 4 that signed their lives away after the recruiter filled their heads with lies about bonuses, destinations, and retirement benefits. We are talking jet airplanes full of innocent consumer types who must be protected against their own lack of judgment.

        I was mostly joking, but I was also hoping someone would talk about the approval process which I’m guessing wasn’t NEARLY as complete as testing it in every engine before approval.

        And can’t you pretty much get catastrophic failure if your kerosene sparks too easy? Like someone mixed in a bunch of gas? So, it’s still a thing.

  5. I don’t give a rat’s arse about CO2/plant food emissions.

    If I drove a turbine I would not object to ‘sustainable’ Jet-A but I’d not pay a penny more for it.

  6. Since we have another 200-300 years of fossil fuels, we actually don’t need “renewables” that use our limited fresh water and farmable land resources. Ironically the clientele is acting eco-unconscious.