EAA’s AeroEducate Effort Is Off To An Impressive Start

More than 3,000 students, parents and teachers have registered for the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EAA’s) AeroEducate program. The online portal, launched just five months ago, is designed to engage users,…

Photo: EAA

More than 3,000 students, parents and teachers have registered for the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EAA’s) AeroEducate program. The online portal, launched just five months ago, is designed to engage users, including more than 750 educators nationwide, according to EAA.

Some 1,500 student participants in the AeroEducate program, ranging in age from five to 18 years old, completed some 2,500 activities based on the program’s five aviation-career areas. The activities include do-it-yourself projects as well as classroom activities, said EAA, “allowing youth to explore aviation in a fun way and learn about multiple aviation career opportunities.”

EAA Director of Education Paul Maloy said, “The wide range of aviation careers, from commercial pilots to engineering and more, offers more possibilities than ever. We can’t wait to carry this initial AeroEducate momentum into 2023, offering new activities, badges, and career areas for young people to explore and educators to bring to their classrooms.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.