Flight Design Ramps Up Production Of F2, CT Series Aircraft


Flight Design, the European manufacturer of the F2 and CT series of aircraft, is increasing production at its new Sumperk factory in the Czech Republic. The LSA manufacturer noted that the first two production F2-LSA models are now heading to U.S. importer Airtime Aviation in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

According to Flight Design, the order list currently stands at more than 100 aircraft, and production is increasing to support four F2 aircraft per month by the end of 2023. The company said this was made possible in part by support from the Lindig Group, a majority shareholder.

“The kind and timely support from the Lindig Group, the staff in Sumperk and Kherson [Ukraine] has made this possible. It takes a lot of commitment to create and sustain an aviation business,” said Daniel Guenther, CEO of Flight Design. “We thank everyone involved, our staff, our dealers worldwide, and especially [Lindig Group CEO] Sven Lindig. He has stood beside us through the most difficult times.”

Not the least of these challenges was retrieving four CTLS airframes from the factory in Kherson and getting them to customers in Europe. The company noted that the completion of airframes will continue through 2023 and then move to production of new airframes by a manufacturing partner.

Flight Design is anticipating an increase in business as a result of the FAA MOSAIC (Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification) project, in particular regarding its F2 series.

The Flight Design F2 entered the American market in 2021 and its design continues to evolve.

The F2-CS23 is approved as a European Union Aviation Safety Agency type-certified GA aircraft in Europe, and the validation process has progressed with the FAA. It is expected that the F2-CS23 will be popular with flight schools and in rental fleets.

“The F2 in its current S-LSA form can carry a much larger payload,” said Tom Gutmann, owner of Airtime Aviation. “We expect to increase the payload of the new F2-LSA aircraft that are now being delivered under MOSAIC and think there’s even more that can be done within MOSAIC.”

The company is also continuing the development of the Flight Design F4, the four-seat version of the F series. The F4, described as a larger version of the F2, is equipped with a Rotax 916 turbocharged powerplant and designed to carry four adults.

The F4 passed a design review earlier this summer and is moving toward the prototype stage. The company noted the F4’s systems and tooling are identical to the F2, which should make the process go quicker.

This article originally appeared on FLYING.com. For more great content like this, check out FLYING!

Meg Godlewski
Meg Godlewski has been an aviation journalist for more than 20 years and a CFI for more than 18 years. If she is not flying or teaching aviation, she is writing about it. Meg is a founding member of the Pilot Proficiency Center at EAA AirVenture and excels at the application of simulation technology to flatten the learning curve. Follow Meg on Twitter @2Lewski.

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  1. I don’t understand why Cessna just didn’t retool their 152 with lighter carbon fiber items and other measures, instead of making that ill fated 162. Then destroying the unsold stock, instead of selling off the parts. Talk about planned obsolescence….

    • The 152 would cost nearly as much as a 172 and it’s too small for too many Americans to sit in.
      I proposed they replace the 172 fuselage with composite years ago and make a new plane with similar characteristics and essentially the same wings and feathers.
      I think they may fear changing what they have would lose market share.

    • To commence a discussion regarding a completely new aircraft design and include the word “just” indicates a fundament lack of knowledge of this task. likewise even the suggestion to do a similar re-engineering (design, CTP, parts test, flight test, GTIR, FTIR, Type certification, tooling, training and production certification) for 172 is $50 million pie in the sky when Cessna already owns everything for manufacture and support for the venerable, proven metal 172 fully paid for, a far superior trainer to the 152. This new aircraft would need be to the current certification standards not those of the 1960’s like the original. Composite aircraft need to be completely new to leverage the benefits of this construction which is why the Cirrus and Diamond do not look like 60 year old Cessnas. Cessna makes it’s money from Jets these days, and is happy to have only a token GA commitment (maybe not that happy) just to maintain a presence and branding and maybe some loyalty at a relatively low outlay and return.

  2. I just read that in 1970, one in every 100 Americans were considered overweight to the point of obese. It is now forty in every 100, 40%. As Eric said, so many folks just won’t fit in the older planes. And if they squeeze in, throws you over gross. I had an Aeronca Chief for the last 20 years. Got to the point that I could not take a lot of folks flying. They just wouldn’t fit in the plane….or be able to get in. I’ve seen some airline crew strolling through terminal that are on the way large size. An Ercoupe’s useful load is such that it is seldom that if two persons are in it, it isn’t over gross….although they have been flown that way for years. New designs are pretty much a necessity for a C150 type machine.