This Month In Aviation Consumer: G100UL Flight Trial


How does a 215-HP Lycoming run on GAMI’s unleaded avgas? Sister publication Aviation Consumer magazine loaded some in a Van’s RV-14 and put it through the wringer with predictable results. Read the analysis by subscribing here.

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    • It’s a promotion for one of our company’s titles that costs money to read. Entirely up to you if you want to pay it but it costs money to create that content. Aviation Consumer has no advertising. It’s only revenue stream is subscription fees.

      • Well… That’s blatantly wrong.

        You DO have advertising – as the piece above proves. In this case your company is the advertiser marketing it’s wares, but that is a bald faced advertisement.

        Sorry Mr. Niles; you’re a good guy and all, but this is just what the OP said – an advertisement. I think it’s presented deceptively, with a bait and switch approach. I find it inconsistent with this publication’s previous editorial practices and as such just a little offensive. If you want to advertise come out and advertise – don’t show me a link to what I expect to be a story to read and then have it be an ad when I get there. You’re better than that.

        And while I realize every company makes changes, the powers that be need to realize there’s a whole boatload of us out here waiting to see which way this all goes now that Mr. Bertorelli is gone. Your publication is now considerably less marketable, so I wouldn’t get too “cute” with the whole thing. Little things mean a lot.

        • No, I’m not wrong. AVweb has advertising. That’s why you get it five days a week for free. Aviation Consumer does not have advertising. That’s why you have to pay for it. It is not a bait and switch. It says clearly that the link takes you to a subscription page. Honestly folks, we’re just trying to promote one of the best sources of absolutely objective aviation journalism available. No tricks. Just pointing out something you might like.

    • You are absolutely correct and we’re going to keep doing it to promote the incredible and ad-free content in Aviation Consumer, Aviation Safety and IFR magazines.

      • I have no problem with some cross-pollination and advertising, but posting this as “aviation news” (per both the URL and the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page) is disingenuous.

        • Oh, is that what caused this? Here is the God’s honest truth. In the old AVweb back end system, if we don’t label something “Aviation News” it won’t appear on the newsletter. This is a new feature and hitting that check box has become so automatic that I didn’t think about it. So, we’ll fix it. These promos will be labelled as such. As you might appreciate, bringing all these different titles with their own huge Web environments under one roof is a massive undertaking and stuff is going to go wrong. Please bear with us.

  1. Hey.!! I’m a subscriber and I can’t login….after they required me to change my password.
    So, now my new password doesn’t work…. and when I try to do the ‘reset password’, I get a ‘not recognized’ reply in red.!!
    Is this the ‘new ownership’ problems.???

        • We’re switching Web site back ends and you were sent the wrong email address. We’re fixing it and we’ll let you know when we have. Normal stuff for the kind of integration that is going on across all the platforms. Please bear with us.

    • We’re working on it, Jim. We’re melding several complex Web environments together and in that process you got sent the wrong email address to change your password. Once we’ve fixed it, we’ll let you know.

      • Ok. I hope that the problems are fixed soon.
        I’m a paid subscriber to Kitplanes, Aviation Consumer and Aviation Safety.

  2. That’s why it’s called “The land of the free”. If you want something free, stay on the land.

  3. I wish I could read it, but since Flying took over I’m no longer able to log in to my account that I actually pay for (I do still get the paper magazines, though). It keeps telling me I need to reset my password, but when I click on the link it says it doesn’t recognize my account. The Flying login seems to be broken.

  4. Aviation Consumer is great and, other than the comments, Avweb is great, too. Go Russ. Thank you for doing good work despite … the … whatever they are.

  5. I am the maintenance manager and pilot for our company and there is an elephant in the room that is ready to go – it is the 2 stroke Diesel.

    Thankfully – the correct design of what is a true aviation Diesel engine should be – is now finally certified – (Deltahawk) – and lest someone thinks that it’s just another Diesel – think again.

    Others have tried to convert existing automotive 4 stroke diesel’s for use in aviation – with all the complication and added weight that goes with them by adding clutch pack’s and gear reduction’s – (which adds considerable weight and complication with very low TBR’s and TBO’s) – but even then they are proving to be reliable and burn a lot less fuel than a gas engine.

    I know for a fact that Diesel fuel itself will last up to 2 years in our storage tanks without any additives – and Jet A will last considerably longer.

    Now that the Deltahawk is certified and gearing up for production – (and for those who do not know) – this design of a 2 stroke Diesel is the very best available I have seen so far and is reliable and very uncomplicated with no valves and no clutch packs – (it’s a direct drive with no gear reduction) – and from what I see on their website it has a warranty of up to 2400 hours – so until I talk with them – or see it somewhere – (unless the FAA has given them some ridiculous low number) – I presume that it has a TBO or a TBR of something that is equal to that or higher.

    I have not run the numbers but at a quick glance I can see that the savings in maintenance fee’s – and lower fuel burn – (with lower price per gallon – etc.), – means that the cost of the engine and installation will pay for itself rather quickly – (depending on how many hours you fly per year).

    Hopefully they will be able to build a 350 HP version for Malibu’s and others that want or need that horse power range – but bear in mind that a Diesel produces far more torque than a gas engine in the same HP range which is the true power rating of a Diesel engine – and usually is around 1800 RPM – (as measured in our class 8 trucks) – in fact a Dynamometer measures actual torque first and then mathematically converts it to horse power – and therefore I assume that a 300 HP Diesel will develop far more torque than a 350 HP gas but because of the much higher torque will equal as high – (or higher) – max cruise with a much lower fuel burn and operating costs.

    If and when Deltahawk develops one for Malibu’s we will be one of the first in line for it – as for right now – I like the GAMI unleaded for it.

    Thanks Pat