John And Martha King Receive NAFI Service Award
King Schools Co-Chairmen John and Martha King have been awarded the Jack J. Eggspuehler Service Award by the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI). The award, named for NAFI founder…

Image: King Schools
King Schools Co-Chairmen John and Martha King have been awarded the Jack J. Eggspuehler Service Award by the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI). The award, named for NAFI founder and Flight Instructor Hall of Fame member Jack J. Eggspuehler, is presented to “an individual or organization for making a significant contribution to flight instructors, flight instruction or aviation education.” Previous recipients include Tom Poberezny, Marion Blakey, Cirrus Designs and the Jeppesen Flight Training Products Team.
“[The Kings’] work, first flying their own plane to give in-person seminars, then teaching through VHS tapes and DVDs and eventually providing courses online, has revolutionized flight training,” said NAFI Chairman Bob Meder. “Just as important has been the Kings’ commitment to improving aviation safety. They’re prolific writers, have given countless live talks, served on many FAA committees, and their personal candor about their flying experiences has helped countless pilots learn and improve. They were perfect candidates to receive this distinguished award.”
John and Martha King founded King Schools in 1975. According to a King Schools estimate, over 50 percent of pilots currently flying in the U.S. have learned with their programs. The Kings were also inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame earlier this year.