Best Of The Web: Duxford’s Unique Bf 109


Great Britain’s Imperial War Museum at Duxford has one of the best collections of World War II aircraft to be found anywhere and the staff is good at the kind of outreach videos we’re featuring this week. This video explains the fascinating tale of a Messerschmitt Bf 109 forced down in England during the Battle of Britain in 1940. The pilot landed the aircraft gear-up and it remained remarkably intact. It later toured both the U.K. and the U.S. to raise money for the war effort. At Duxford, it’s on display almost as it was found, with a pretzeled prop and even some of the original paint.

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  1. The video about the Bf109 was fascinating. I recommend a visit to the IWM Duxford to anyone visiting the UK, it’s only an hour out of London, and you can take in Cambridge (the real one) on the same trip.

  2. I think featuring that massive swastika does not have to be first choice for video thumbnails and in your e-mails; one doesn’t have to be on the “politically correct” side to know that that is not necessarily the smartest idea.

    • Polically correct or not, it’s history. Whitewashing it isn’t going to change that. I for one am glad it was shown. Instead of history being edited and rewriting. Our own civil war is a perfect example…..

    • I am a Jew and a Zionist. I am the son of two Holocaust survivors. Auschwitz. Most of my family went up the chimneys after being mass murdered by the Nazis.

      If the swastika on the plane does not bother me YOU have no right to be offended.

      History is history. Stop trying to hide it.

  3. Only to the woke Sven, it’s history, you proposing the Japanese WWII aircraft flying shouldn’t display the red ball, both countries were equally reprehensible in their WWII conduct. You can even visit the old extermination camps in Europe if you wish.

  4. The prominent display of this Nazi vignette now for a week on the AvWeb pages increasingly leads one to believe the editors are trying to make a statement, at the very most inopportune moment. There’s no cost to this publication if it removes it, or chooses a different frame to advertise what is undoubtedly an interesting story. You’re just rubbing salt into the wound.

    • It also means that every time we come to the page, we see that swastika. No problem featuring an interesting aircraft, but a lot of angles don’t focus on that hateful image.

      Family members were killed by the Nazis. That’s not “woke,” it’s DEAD.

      Please remove the swastika.

  5. I am a Jew and a Zionist. I am the son of two Holocaust survivors. Auschwitz. Most of my family went up the chimneys after being mass murdered by the Nazis.

    If the swastika on the plane does not bother me YOU have no right to be offended.

    History is history. Stop trying to hide it.