Boom Supersonic Delivers Overture Program Update At Paris Air Show


On one of aviation’s most visible international stages, Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom Supersonic, said at the Paris Air Show, “We are incredibly proud of the progress with Overture and Symphony from our global team of partners and suppliers who continue to operate at an accelerated pace toward the future of sustainable supersonic flight.” Boom markets Overture as its “sustainable supersonic aircraft” to be powered by the Symphony turbofan. Stacey Rock, president of FTT (Florida Turbine Technologies—parent company, Kratos Defense and Security Solutions), which is developing the engine, said, “The Symphony engineering team includes many of the best and most experienced engine designers on the planet, and we’re thrilled to expand our role to include the initial assembly of engines for ground test, flight test, and certification.”

In Paris, Boom unveiled its 3D-printed one-third-scale design model for Symphony at the show. Said to be optimized for sustainable supersonic flight, Boom said the engine is designed to deliver 25 percent more time on wing and provide customer airlines with operating cost savings of up to 10 percent. Boom also announced it was expanding its partnership with FTT, tapping the company to assemble the initial production units for ground test, flight test and certification.

Boom’s update included announcing supplier agreements with multiple vendors, including Aernnova for the Overture’s wings, Leonardo for the fuselage and wing box and Aciturri for the empennage. Suppliers already on board include Safran Landing Systems, Eaton, Collins Aerospace, training provider FlightSafety International, aforementioned FTT, GE Additive and StandardAero.

Boom also cited Overture’s fuel-control system as being able to provide control over center-of-gravity during both subsonic and supersonic operations, as well as enabling the engines to use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The company also said, “Overture’s landing gear is compatible with international airport runways and taxiways—designed for takeoff and landing on over 600 routes around the world.”

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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  1. “We really need a recession to end all this silliness”. This comment was inserted under the wrong subject. It was meant for the water skimming so called flying ferry elsewhere on AvWeb.

  2. “… operating cost savings of up to 10 percent.”

    10% of what? An Olympus 593? A J58? An F100 class engine? What?

    I really do wish them success, but with press releases like this, I’ll wait and see.

  3. I’m more than a little skeptical that FTT will be able to scale up from an engine that has to produce 200lbs of thrust to one that can produce 35,000lbs of thrust with the kind of reliability required for commercial operations, all in less than five years.

    There’s a very good reason that Rolls, GE, P&W, and Safran all declined to develop an engine for Boom, since Boom is making a ton of assumptions and promising a timeline that would be ambitious for an established manufacturer, let alone one that hasn’t even flown their scaled down demonstrator.