Short Final

Short Final: Retirement Planning

From AVweb reader Erik Klavon: After an unusually long period of silence on a Denver center frequency, I heard the following exchange:Unknown pilot: “Still there?”Denver...

Short Final: Don’t Ask!

My old Bonanza was a very capable airplane for instrument flying, but my panel avionics did not include an FAA-blessed GPS navigator. My Garmin...

Short Final: Pick Your Poison

In the 1980s, when I worked at Daniel Webster College in Nashua, New Hampshire, it had an innovative flight training program with a diverse...

Short Final: Age Before Duty

My friend and I were flying his SR22 into Denver’s Centennial Airport. I was handling the radio. We were VFR at 13,500 feet when...

Short Final: Identity Crisis

I owned my little two-seat Grumman AA1-B for 22 years and loved it. But after getting my instrument rating, I realized it just wasn’t...

Short Final: Coastal Navigation

Stop me if you’re heard this one. Many years ago, a foreign student with a heavy accent contacts air traffic control over the east coast...

Short Final: Controller/Pilot Telepathy

On a recent trip from the West Coast to the Midwest, I’d just checked in with Center after a couple of sectors in NorCal....

Short Final: Open Wide

Years ago, I was a student pilot on a night flight with my instructor. We flew from Palo Alto across San Francisco Bay and...

Short Final: Optical Delusion

All my flying for the first several years of owning my Grumman AA1-B was VFR, even at night. And my electronic navigation was limited...

Short Final: Do Over

I was making a late‐night approach to Des Moines International Airport. Me: “Des Moines approach, Baron 12KA, 15 east at 3000.” Tower: “12KA turn left heading...
Night flying has its advantages

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AirVenture Video: Alsim Simulator

ALSIM is showcasing the AL250 at AirVenture 2024. Sy Pinkert from AVweb had the chance to test it out and discuss with Jason Da...