Short Final: ATC Diplomacy
Air Traffic Controllers can be very diplomatic in nudging us toward use of proper phraseology. I overheard this recently transiting NorCal airspace: Controller: “Coast Guard 123, traffic 11 o’clock, westbound,…

Air Traffic Controllers can be very diplomatic in nudging us toward use of proper phraseology. I overheard this recently transiting NorCal airspace:
Controller: “Coast Guard 123, traffic 11 o’clock, westbound, altitude indicates 3500 feet.”
Coast Guard 123: “NorCal, Coast Guard 123, we have eyeballs on traffic.”
Controller: “Sorry, Coast Guard 123, I missed that. Did you say you have traffic in sight?”
Coast Guard 123: “Uh, affirmative NorCal, Coast Guard 123 has traffic in sight.”
Controller: “Copy that, thank you Coast Guard 123.”
William A. Cole
Petaluma CA

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