Home/Polls & QuizzesPolls & QuizzesPoll: Do You Do Regular Flight Training?Each week, we poll the savviest aviators on the World Wide Web (that’s you) on a topic of interest to the flying community. Share your opinion by participating in our current poll. Editorial StaffUpdated Feb 15, 2020 7:35 PM ESTShare this storyDo You Do Regular Flight Training?No, I fly enough not to need any.I try to do something at least once a year.I just do the required flight review.Yes, I'm pretty regular about it.SubmitShare this storyEditorial StaffAVwebRelated StoriesPolls & QuizzesPoll: How’s Internet At Your Airport?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Has Weather Limited Your Flying This Year?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Ever Clap For A Landing?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Should CVRs, FDRs Be Improved?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Flying Resolutions For 2025Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Do You Fly With An Angle Of Attack Indicator?Editorial Staff