Best Of The Web: How Merlins Were Built


Anyone who has visited Oshkosh has heard the unique exhaust song of the Rolls-Royce Merlin. Nearly 150,000 of these iconic 12-cylinder engines were manufactured, some in the U.S. as the Packard V-1650. In this fascinating documentary, the assembly of the engine’s 11,000-plus parts is described in rich detail. (Credit King Rose Archives.)

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  1. Isn’t it amazing? Up until around the end of the 1960s, humans had the ingenuity and persistence of an army of ants.
    Now, humans have the ambition of a herd of intoxicated elephants.

  2. That is a result of easy lives that we in the western world live. Little motivation, nobody starves, nobody freezes, lots of stuff at very affordable prices.