Short Final: Birthday Balloons
While holding short of 11L at Tucson International Airport recently I heard the following: Tower: “American 1234 cleared to land 11L.” American 1234: “Cleared to land 11L. By the way…

While holding short of 11L at Tucson International Airport recently I heard the following:
Tower: “American 1234 cleared to land 11L.”
American 1234: “Cleared to land 11L. By the way we passed some balloons out here at 3400. American 1234.”
Tower: “What color and what direction of movement?”
American 1234: “Red and white. Headed west.”
Skywest 123: “Skywest 123 on the visual 11L.”
Tower: “Skywest 123, cleared to land 11L. Use caution red and white balloons reported at 3400 moving west.”
Anonymous voice on frequency: “It’s my birthday.”
Another voice: “Mine too.”
Alvin Jones
Roswell, NM

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